
Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Stuff and WEE bit of a Freebie!!

Hi everyone! Are ya'll excited about St. Patrick's Day coming up - I AM! So as you all know, I love all things Irish right - and since my first post, my sister has clued me in that I am actually 1/4 Irish - so go figure!! I never knew, I always heard my Mom list off a bunch of different heritages, that I always assumed I was part mutt....but turns out, I'm 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Irish AND THEN 1/4 mutt!! Yay!! One day I'm going to start doing some type of ancestry search, because I really did think it was interesting that my Grandfather is from Ireland, the land that I'm in love with!! I can't wait to go one day!

So, moving on....this weekend, we plan on going to the little parade they have here, and then check out the Irish dancers and music at the Seattle Center...and just like every St. Patrick's Day I'll swear to sign my daughter up for the Irish Dancing classes...sigh...I'm so horrible!!

Ok, so check out my two (2) newest packs of WordArt.... Totally Irish and All about Children!!

Now, in honor of St. Patick's Day, I have this awesome freebie for you - I know I'm biased, but I love them so much, here's a great Irish and/or Spring-ish alpha for you - there's two different types, and I also made a little Shamrock, vine and flower to dress them up a bit - see...awesome!

But before I post it, I did want to mention that if you subscribe to my blog - choose (Subscribe - POSTS)...not only will you get tons of freebies, but I will also be giving a $10.00 coupon to my store to one lucky please subscribe :-)

Ok, here's your freebie!!

Download HERE!!


- Jen (Jemenifer22)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring is in the Air!!

Hi All! I know it's snowing in most of the country these days, but wowzers, it's pretty much Spring time here in Seattle! The skies are blue, the sun is shining and the Cherry Blossoms and Daffodils are a bloomin'!! I can't wait to NOT be in my house tomorrow, I can't wait to get outside and soak up the sun....not don't get me wrong, it's still a little cool, but man oh man I'm excited!!

I have a new product this week, and's ALL ABOUT SPRING!!

I'll be back with a freebie - I'm thinking of making a nice GREEN alpha :-)

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

- Jen (Jemenifer22)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey, whadda ya know, I'm alive!!

Ok, so I have to yap a bit about my trip to New Orleans, don't worry, I'll try and keep it lite!! Ok, so the whole point of this trip was to see my nephew graduate from boot camp! But when I originally booked my ticket the Saints were doing really good, so I extended my stay for the Super Bowl, just in case!! Boy am I glad I did! It was like nothing I've ever seen before! I think I'm finally starting to slightly come off of my high of my team FINALLY making it to the Superbowl, and then WINNING IT!! Lordy, that just made my year! Needless to say, I have made it a point to rub the Saints winning into my husband's face (Seahawks fan) and not because he's not a Saints fan, but because all year, he just kept waiting for us to lose!! Well hardy, hardy, har har dear hubby!!! ahhahahaha!

I had such an awesome time with my family in New Orleans, plus the fact that I didn't have any kids to get up and make breakfast for! OMGoodness, that part was totally awesome!! But I did miss my babies so much. I don't think I'll be going on vacation away from them for that long ever again! So back to my trip, I just hung out with my sisters, we ate, drank...oooh speaking of drinking, one night I had way too many Margaritas, and well, I found out that a. I can't drink like I used to; b. I can't hold in my liquor like I used to; and c. I can't recover from drinking like I used to! My oh my what a not-so-wonderful day!! I didn't drink for the rest of the trip, well except for Bloody Mary's, who considers that cocktails anyway, it's more like a meal, especially the way they serve it in N.O. (olives, pickled okra, and picked green beans - mmmmm) Now I want one, haha! Then the eating, I WAS trying to watch what I ate, but seriously, if you ever consider visiting New Orleans, just throw that diet/change of lifestyle or whatever they are calling it these days....OUT OF THE WINDOW!!! Gosh I miss the food!

Ok, so moving on, guess what me and my sisters did while we were there, well and my niece too, we all got tattoos!!! I have this cute fleur de lis, I love it! Well, in actuality we ALL got fleur de lis'!! But what was even cuter is that while we were there, these 3 older ladies (late 50's / 60's) were going in for their fleur de lis tattoos!! haahahahah, I just thought that was just too funny!

I could go on longer about my trip, but I don't want to bore you, hahaha - but in the end, the Saints won and I'm a happy Momma again!!

Ok, so my Guest Designer-ship (hehe) is about to come to an end, and well, I have a couple more things in my store....I didn't get to do as much as I'd hoped while I was in New Orleans, but why did I ever think that I could, haha!

But I did have a new product a week or two ago, but just didn't have time to blog about it, so check it out....CUT OUTS; VOL. 1
I just love these picture templates, they are so fun....just add a piece of paper from your kit and voila!!

This week I have a couple of new products, first is a wordart pack made to match Kami / Ziggle Designs' newest kit - IN THE WILD!

In this pack I have a few word arts, a mask and a cut out template!! Here's a gorgeous layout by Nancy using both In the Wild and the wordart:

Ok, so I love making wordart, but I love making these little word bits - this week, it's all about the boys.... Bits about Boys! I used basic 'boy' colors and also stuck in a few elements too!!

Also, I'd like to Thank Kami/Ziggle Designs so much for allowing me to make a word art pack for her newest kit!! Thanks Kami, you really do rock girl!!

Don't worry....I made a little freebie for you today, a sample cut out!!

Download HERE!!!

BTW, that's me and my wonderful nephew in the pic, what can I say, I'm a proud Aunt!!

Also, stop by the Ziggle Designs CT Blog for another In the Wild freebie!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Jen (Jemenifer22)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


For those of you coming from the Ziggle Peeps Blog...WELCOME!! I won't keep you too long here, because well, let's face it - I chatted your eyes/ears off over there! So let me tell you the I was making some word art for you lovely people/fans of Ziggle Designs and it hit me and, wouldn't it be awesome to open my own store - ok, well it hit me MORE than it did Kami, but hey.....she probably said yes just to shut me up! Hahaha! I'm teasing, well only just a little!

Now you're probably wondering..."Clover Designs", what's up with that?!?!? Well for as long as I could remember, I've always wanted to be IRISH!! I love all THINGS Celtic! and I'm dieing to go to Ireland!! I think it has something to do with going to the St. Patrick's Day parades in New Orleans with my Dad when we were little! They are SOOO MUCH FUN! Seriously, if you're ever in N.O. during St. Patrick's Day - you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to check out the parades - they throw cabbages, potatoes, carrots, and some other 'goodies', I mean come on, where else can you go and get food thrown at you!! ahahahaha! Needless to say, we ate cabbage for weeks!! And I don't know if cabbage does to you what it does to me, but good lord it wasn't pretty! Which just made it all more the fun!!

Ok, so let me show you what I have for my GRAND OPENING...

and of course.... TAILGATE PACK
I hope you like them :-) I would have made more, but well... I'M GOING TO NEW ORLEANS!!! I leave Friday morning and I'm there for 10 DAYS....but don't worry, the laptop is coming with me, and I'll be back at least next week with a couple more products, and MORE THAN LIKELY A FREEBIE!! Of course with a free'bee', I love ya'll too much! Oh and speaking of freebies....I did make one for today that I hope you like.....check it out:


Now if your new here - and well wouldn't you all be, but what I mean is, if you didn't come from the Ziggle Designs Creative Team Blog, then don't forget to stop by there for some a couple of free'bee's too!!

Thought you were done with Freebies!! you can go and check out the Ziggle Designs Blog for a SUPER awesome freebie!!! And don't worry, if it's not up yet, it will be soon!

Have a wonderful weekend AND GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jen (jemenifer22)

Monday, January 11, 2010