
Thursday, January 28, 2010


For those of you coming from the Ziggle Peeps Blog...WELCOME!! I won't keep you too long here, because well, let's face it - I chatted your eyes/ears off over there! So let me tell you the I was making some word art for you lovely people/fans of Ziggle Designs and it hit me and, wouldn't it be awesome to open my own store - ok, well it hit me MORE than it did Kami, but hey.....she probably said yes just to shut me up! Hahaha! I'm teasing, well only just a little!

Now you're probably wondering..."Clover Designs", what's up with that?!?!? Well for as long as I could remember, I've always wanted to be IRISH!! I love all THINGS Celtic! and I'm dieing to go to Ireland!! I think it has something to do with going to the St. Patrick's Day parades in New Orleans with my Dad when we were little! They are SOOO MUCH FUN! Seriously, if you're ever in N.O. during St. Patrick's Day - you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to check out the parades - they throw cabbages, potatoes, carrots, and some other 'goodies', I mean come on, where else can you go and get food thrown at you!! ahahahaha! Needless to say, we ate cabbage for weeks!! And I don't know if cabbage does to you what it does to me, but good lord it wasn't pretty! Which just made it all more the fun!!

Ok, so let me show you what I have for my GRAND OPENING...

and of course.... TAILGATE PACK
I hope you like them :-) I would have made more, but well... I'M GOING TO NEW ORLEANS!!! I leave Friday morning and I'm there for 10 DAYS....but don't worry, the laptop is coming with me, and I'll be back at least next week with a couple more products, and MORE THAN LIKELY A FREEBIE!! Of course with a free'bee', I love ya'll too much! Oh and speaking of freebies....I did make one for today that I hope you like.....check it out:


Now if your new here - and well wouldn't you all be, but what I mean is, if you didn't come from the Ziggle Designs Creative Team Blog, then don't forget to stop by there for some a couple of free'bee's too!!

Thought you were done with Freebies!! you can go and check out the Ziggle Designs Blog for a SUPER awesome freebie!!! And don't worry, if it's not up yet, it will be soon!

Have a wonderful weekend AND GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jen (jemenifer22)

Monday, January 11, 2010